Since the arrival of the ZX-12R in 2000, it's always been the underdog... but that didn't stop
Dale from purchasing one, in fact it encouraged him. He ended up finding just that "dog" when he contacted Dreamworks pictures
about the ZX-12R featured in the movie, "Bikerboyz" which was ridden by "Dog" (Kid Rock). It wasn't soon after that "The Dog"
was sleeping in his garage.
The bike came with a few odds and ends and ran a best of 191mph in the Florida 9/10th Mile with
the stock engine and muzzy pipe. Although fast enough for Hollywood, it wouldn't cut it against real pro's so Dale took the
bike to Sal of Ace Performance for an upgrade. He decided to go with the Stage 2 R-Spec package that had shown promise during
initial testing of the prototype engine in another bike.
The moviestar went under the knife and woke up a different machine. Now at an extremely
healthy 1287cc's, it was ready for testing and tuning... but the Maxton Mile was coming up soon, Dale couldn't
pass up the opportunity. On her initial showing, Sal was unsure on how well it would run with little to no testing so the
bike was geared for a conservative 203mph.
This conservative gearing turned out to be a gross underestimation of the Stage 2 R-Spec engine's
potentcy. The engine spun up through the gears effortlessly and ripped violently into the 6th gear rev limiter at a GPS confirmed
203mph WELL BEFORE THE TRAPS!! As the bike nosed over from tagging the limiter, it crossed the lights at 200+mph. Dale took
over and posted a personal best of 194+mph, which is amazing considering that Dale is not a jockey sized pro rider at 285lb's
Not satisfied in the least bit, Dale and Sal made a few changes after Maxton and just like before...
time was running out before the next Maxton race. Unfortunately, the weather reports called for poor weather at Maxton that
weekend so the decision was made to travel to Goliad, Texas for the Texas Mile. With the bike lacking serious attention and
absolutely no testing done (again) before the race, Dale and Sal loaded up the bike and took it deep into the Heart of Texas
for a battle royal against some of the fastest all motor kawasaki's in the country.
As if the bike wasn't the underdog already being that it was going up against much larger displacement
bikes... tragedy struck and the memory card reader on Dale's Laptop kicked the bucket which wouldn't allow Sal to view
the recorded log sessions from the datalogger. So working blindly, they took shots in the dark and did things the old fashion
way... trial and error.
With the Texas heat reaching the mid 80's and the notorious Texas Mile winds picking up creating
a crosswind, Sal was able to squeek out a 203.8mph run. Although disappointed with the faulty electronics and poor tune, it
was pleasing to know that 203.8mph was the new track record for an all motor Kawasaki. After getting home and reading
the memory card, they learned that the bike was running extremely lean in the 13.5:1 range.
It was now time to get serious and run through the bike with a fine tooth comb. With so much
latent potential begging to be extracted from the 1287cc mill, it became a personal mission of Sal to squeeze more speed out
of her. After further development of the prototype bike, more speed was found and the new mods were transplanted and
performed on The Dog. The results were jaw dropping as initial testing completely blew away any conservative estimates on
the new gains. The metaphoric "broken chain" on the original "Bikerboyz" bodywork was now a reality and a meteoric
rise to power was just over the horizion.
Fastforward one week and they were at Maxton ready to take the beast out of the cage. It was
approx. 78*F with a 10-12mph tailwind on Saturday morning. First pass off the trailer was a chilling reminder of
the first Maxton outing as the bike screamed through 6th gear tagging the rev limiter at 211.3mph as the first timing light
was crossed. The bike nosed over and went through at 209mph!!! This was now the new world record for an all motor Kawasaki
in the standing mile, but the bike was still hungry and the Alpha Dog gets what it wants . The datalog showed the
A/F ratio at a pig rich 11.7:1 - 12.2:1 in 6th gear so adjustments were made and one tooth was dropped off the rear sprocket
to allow the bike to stay off the rev limiter.
Unfortunately, the ideal morning conditions turned sour as the day progressed and 2 hours later
the 10-12mph tailwind turned into a 5-7mph SE wind (cross/tailwind). On top of that, the clouds started to roll in and air
pressure dropped significantly...power was literally being sucked out of the air as time went on . Sal rolled
up to the line and gave it hell in first gear, causing the tire to spin up and forcing him to shortshift into 2nd gear. The
bike pulled harder and harder as the gears progressed and the 1287cc monster stomped through the timing lights at 210.88mph
Immediately after the run, the bike was brought back to the pits and was inspected by 3 different
independant and well known racers who confirmed the bike was indeed naturally aspirated. Everything was checked to ensure
there was no nitrous hidden on the bike. In fact, Sal offered to give the bike away for FREE if someone found a single nitrous
component on the bike.
There's an old saying, "When you're on top, the only place left to go is down.", but not
for this bike... there's still a few more mph to be had out of the beast on motor and with plans for nitrous in the works,
the only place to go is up.
"Stay Tuned",
- Phantom